AN ERASMUS + PROJECT with mobility 2023

AN ERASMUS + PROJECT with mobility 2023-1IT02-KA121-SCH-000121587, initiated by Liceo Statale “G. Lombardo Radice” Catania Italy and hosted by Colegiul Ion Kalinderu, Buşteni-Romania-a school and a city with a lot of GREEN
AN ERASMUS + PROJECT with mobility 2023-1IT02-KA121-SCH-000121587, initiated by Liceo Statale “G. Lombardo Radice” Catania Italy and hosted by Colegiul Ion Kalinderu, Buşteni-Romania-a school and a city with a lot of GREEN!Between April 10 and April 18, 2024, our College, “Ion Kalinderu College, Buşteni-Romania participated, in partnership, in the ERASMUS project + 2023-1-IT02-KA121-
SCH-000121587, initiated by Liceo Statale “G. Lombardo Radice”, Catania-Italy, titled
in which we had the opportunity to enrich each other, both professional experience – the accumulation of new theoretical and practical knowledge, new methods of teaching-learning-evaluation, – as well as personal experience – visiting touristic sites with a special historical value.
The mobility took place over a period of 6 days under the careful supervision of our project partners, eTwinning and Erasmus+ ambassadors: Prof. Valeria Piana and Prof. Irene Confalone – Italy, experienced, open, calm and patient people who with their smile and attitude -they encouraged us to overcome the language barrier and express our own opinions and those of the management of the Ion Kalinderu College, dir. Prof. Dr.Constantin Petrea, director. adj. Prof. Lavinia Drăcea and the head of the project, who permanently took care of the project and the delegation, English professor Ancuța Gheorghe.
The Italian students who are part of the project team are: Belfiore Giada, De Pasquale Enrico, Gilberta Martina, Gresta Roberta, Seminara Stella, Ternullo Aurora, Ursin Roberta.The Romanian students who are part of the project team are: Töröc Ştefania, Căldăraru Alexandra, Coman Alexia, Tudose Rareş, Banu Eduard, Molnar Maria, Berechet Marius, Bogdan Flavius, Radu Sebastian, Bartoli Federico, Borlan David, Crăciun Daniel, Găinar Alexandro, Vlad Gabriel, Drăcea Robert.The purpose of this project was to try together to make a better world on Earth, to join forces to restore health to the environment, to create a greener world.The program of the 8 days of mobility, of which 2 days were intended for the reception of the Italian delegation, their accommodation in a magical guesthouse and then, on the 8th day, driving the delegation to the Henry Coandă airport, Bucharest, for the return to Italy.DAY 1.Thursday – Apr. 11 202410.00-13.30 Activity no. 1Reception of guests at the Ion Kalinderu College, Buşteni. Meeting to get to know, to present our schools and the most important objectives in ourcountries. The volume with the ISBN “The Harmony Of Nature” was handed over – tribute volume containing articles by many partners of the eTwinning STEAM project, many eTwinnig ambassadors from Romania and abroad, including articles by many award-winning teachers and designated as global teachers.Likewise, the delegation from Romania, involved in the project, received little attention from the Italian delegation.
DAY 2Friday – April 12, 2024Activity 2• Cultural visit to CANTACUZINO Castle.• Participation in ecological activities.• Learning by doing – Participation in courses: Biology, Geography, Computer Scienceand ICT, History and Mathematics• Involvement of Italian students in ecological activities.• Active learning through teamwork in an inclusive atmosphere.The Italian students participated in visits organized by the host school related to the waysof preserving the national cultural and historical heritage. Activities were non-formalduring extracurricular activities, visiting cultural sites such as Cantacuzino Castle,Buşteni, a stunning example of neo-Romanian architecture. The castle was built by -
Prince Grigore Cantacuzino, one of the richest men in Romania, at the beginning of the 20th century and Peleş-Sinaia Castle.
Day 3Activity 3• Learning by doing, researching start-ups experimenting with new strategies to improve greenery, avoid pollution and save water and resources; active learning through teamwork in an inclusive atmosphere.• Learning outcomes: increased awareness of lifestyleshealthy. Students became greener and developed green skills by engaging in green projects at the Irish school.• School activity: attending courses: English, French, geography, history, chemistry, mathematics, tourism.• Italian students will participate in a trip to Bran Castle.
Day 4Activity 4• Eco-sustainable behavioral habits.• Learning methods: Learning by doing, 0 kilometer nutrition.• Learning outcomes: increased awareness as a result of a styleof healthy living and health by doing outdoor activities. The students havebecome greener and develop more green by working together with the host school’s greenteam.• Peer-to-peer dissemination of a healthy lifestyle, which UNESCO has recognizedas world heritage.• Cultural visit to Ialomiţa Cave, Padina Monastery, Lake Bolboci.The Italian students participated in visits organized by the host school related to the waysofpreservation of the national cultural and historical heritage.
Day 5Activity 509.00-15.30 Activity no. 5 and cultural visit.• Motor activities.• Learning methods: Students were involved as active participants in the coursesregular physical and sports activities and “green” mobility.• Learning outcomes: Students gained an increased awareness and acceptance ofself-image, self-esteem, decision-making and conflict management skills. They have alsoacquired more responsibility for the environment and welfare.The students went on a hike to the Howling Waterfall in Buşteni, where they admired theroute, listened to the chirping of the birds, listened and admired the sound of the waterspringing from the Bucegi Mountains and immortalized the beauties of nature, at thesame time they oxygenated their lungs with the oxygen emanating from our wonderfulforest of centuries-old firs.
Day 6Activity 609.00-13.30• Activity no. 6. Participation in regular courses with their Romanian colleagues – andvisitcultural.• School activity: By attending regular classes, Italian students were involvedin discussion activities and cooperative learning; the topics involved were issues relatedto civic education and active citizenship.• Certificate Ceremony – Greetings and Farewells.The Italian students visited the Caraiman Monastery which included a short walk in theforest.Visit to the Visitor Center of the “Alexandru Beldie” Bucegi Natural Park, Natura 2000Site, where the students learned about the environment, flora and fauna of themountainous region.
Day 7Activity 709.00-13.30 Activity no. 5 bis-Cultural visit to Braşov.• European citizenship.• Learning methods: Students were involved as active participants in regular coursesof activities related to Civic Education and Active Citizenship.• Learning outcomes: Students obtained increased communication skills,increased intercultural interaction, knowledge and skills.• 21st century skills including communication, teamwork and thinkingCriticism dedicated to the Year 2024, the International Year of Skills, and we haveadapted the project to this requirement.The Italian students participated in a visit to Bra ov, a city located approximately 40 km șfrom Bu teni. Here they could visit the Black Church, the Museum of History and Piata șSfatului (the central square). There are lots of shops, restaurants and places where theycould buy souvenirs. -
• GOODBYE meeting!The Romanian and Italian students tied their friends, cried, hugged and wrote wishes andimpressions on their T-shirts.
Day 8Departure to Catania – ItalyBefore going to the Henri Coanda airport, in Bucharest, they visited the BotanicalGarden and the Botanical Museum in Bucharest and admired the exhibits in the Gardenand the Museum, enriching their knowledge of flora and ecology.Link-uri: written by Prof. Iuliana Ciubuc, assistant manager of Cervantes publishinghouse, editor of Elite Tinere magazine, Cervantes-Romania publishing house.Member of the League of Writers from Romania – Bucharest-Ilfov branch.Mădălina Neagoe, english teacher, Liceul Teoretic, Azuga –Romania, proofreader andtranslator.
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